Avocado, mint & blackberry cheesecake

This little colourful treat is so full of fresh flavours, creaminess and all around goodness that nourishes the body and spirit. Because any bite that starts with a crunchy layer of almonds and dates, followed by the oh so creamy avocado, fresh mint, sweet blackberries must brings nothing but joy, right?

What you’ll need for a smaller sized cake:

  • 200g roasted almonds
  • 20 pitted fresh dates
  • a pinch of salt
  • 250g cashews soaked in water overnight
  • 2 avocados
  • handful of mint leaves, or add to taste
  • 300g blackberries (or any berries)
  • 4to6 tbsp of agave syrup

Let’s make the cake:

Make the cake bottom: just blend almonds and dates with a pinch of salt. Don’t blend the almonds into flour, leave it in pieces for some crunchiness. Spread this mix around 2cm thin into a cake or any other tin (about 13cm size) and place in a freezer to set while making the next layer.

Blend cashews until creamy and split into two parts.

Blend avocados, mint and about 2 tbsp of agave syrup with one part of the cashew cream.

Blend 200g of berries with the rest of cashews.

Spread both layers onto a cake and return to freezer to set.

Make the topping: blend the rest of the berries with some agave syrup and lavishly spread on top of the cake. Decorate with some mint leaves and berries and enjoy!


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